A Businessman from One of the World’s Richest Countries Hired Zorg IT – and Did they Regret It?

Abdur Rouf Jibon

Did a Businessman from One of the World’s Richest Countries Regret Hiring Zorg IT?

A few years ago, someone from the Middle East contacted Zorg IT for a gig. The client Mr. Mir Ali Khan was a businessman from Dubai, but he operates in Qatar. One fact to keep in mind – UAE is the third richest country in the world, and Qatar is the sixth richest.

So why did he contact a Bangladeshi company?

Well, he came across a Facebook campaign by Zorg IT targeting Dubai, and he admired their designs. He thought Zorg’s designs would match well with his vision for his own business.

Mr. Khan approached Zorg IT to develop a website for his Qatar-based clothing venture, QTdeals back then. However, he had an unconventional request – no upfront payment. He suggested that Zorg IT build the website based on his specifications, and if it’s up to his satisfaction, he’ll do the complete payment in one go.

It was quite a bit of a risk, but Zorg IT decided to accept the deal. They have put in long hours of work, but if Mr. Khan ends up liking it, it might win them a valuable client in the international arena.

The tech team dove into action. They crafted the e-commerce website exactly the way Mr. Khan wanted it, utilizing technologies such as Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB for the database, with JavaScript as the primary programming language.

After two weeks of intense toiling, Zorg IT presented the finished website to Mr. Mir Ali Khan with trepidation. They need not have worried though, as Mr. Khan was thoroughly pleased to see the final product. He said it was exactly as he envisioned.

After that, Mr. Khan continued to engage Zorg IT with new tasks, such as website modification, design changes and other digital projects. As a clothing brand, QTdeals needed lots of regular graphics work. So eventually Mr. Khan asked for a monthly graphics design service contract. Between this and his occasional other orders, the two companies from different countries built a bond of trust.

When Mr. Khan decided he wanted to move his business on to a new website, now under the name Qazada, he entrusted Zorg IT with the major responsibilities. Zorg IT handled the entire front-end development of the new venture, including website development, UI/UX design, graphics design, multiple logo designs and motion graphics.

To this day, Mr. Khan remains a satisfied client of Zorg IT Group. They have a long and stable business relationship by this point.

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