How Zorg IT Made Sajan Polymer’s Ranking Rise within 10 Days and Won Their Trust in the Process

Abdur Rouf Jibon

How Zorg IT Boosted Sajan Polymer’s Facebook Ranking in 10 Days and Built Lasting Trust

On a busy weekday evening, Mr. Abdur Rouf Jibon, MD of Zorg IT, received a message in his already cluttered business inbox. It’s in response to a Facebook campaign he ran a few days ago. Sajan Polymer, a subsidiary of Sajan group, wishes to make an appointment with his company. They need the assistance of a Digital Solutions service.

Mr. Jibon had a meeting with Sajan Polymer’s Business Development Manager Ms. Fabiha Rumman Shifa. She expressed the interest to see some samples of their designs.

Zorg IT presented their portfolio, which Sajan Polymer seemed to find satisfactory, and they proposed a unique deal. A chance and a challenge at the same time.  

The challenge was pretty straightforward: with a ten-day time period, Zorg IT will have to boost Sajan Polymer’s Facebook page to an attractive position. They will have to remake it into something that will attract clients. If they succeed, they will be hired to work on a regular basis, while failure would terminate the deal. Zorg IT agreed.

Taking on the Challenge

Back at the office, Zorg IT’s Managing Director called his teammates for a meeting. They needed a plan. The very first task on the list was checking out the situation on that aforementioned Facebook page. The situation was not promising at all. The page was brand-new and barely organized, with very little following. Still, they bravely pressed forward.

Zorg IT decided to totally overhaul the page to make it into something more functional. This involved making it fully SEO optimized. And for that, Zorg IT needed to do thorough keyword research and update across every element of the page. They meticulously personalized the page, updated the SEO in the about section, filled all required information, changed the cover photo, and essentially reconstructed every aspect of it.

In addition to these tasks, they planned content for these ten days, strategically incorporating optimized keywords into headings, captions, and descriptions. They regularly posted those with appropriate backlinks and established a system to address customer inquiries.

That was a lot to do in such a short time. It was rigorous, backbreaking work. But there was a certain satisfaction in getting everything done efficiently and properly. Within this limited timeframe, Zorg IT managed to transform Sajan Polymer’s newly minted Facebook page, giving it a premium look. And the Facebook algorithm loved it.

As per their agreement, Zorg IT was supposed to make a marketing report at the end of this initial period. To their delight, when they went to check the page’s ranking for this report, they discovered that Sajan Polymer’s Facebook page had soared to an impressive 3rd position, surpassing larger and older competitors in the search rankings.

A Happy Ending

Thrilled with the outcome, Sajan Polymer expressed their satisfaction to see such a result. They admitted that it exceeded their expectations by a large degree. they promptly signed a contract with Zorg IT, for 30 digital graphics design products per month, along with occasional videography, motion design, web development, and other digital services. Not only that, Zorg IT was entrusted with designing all printing materials, including banners, letterheads, stickers, and mugs.

In addition to these accomplishments, Zorg IT was commissioned to design Sajan’s billboard and the primary logo used nationwide. But above all, Sajan Polymer and Zorg IT developed a robust and trusting business relationship.

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